Friday, February 26, 2016

Money Management: It’s More Important than Pulling Down a Big Paycheck

Have you ever come across a friend or a relative who irrespective of a satisfactory paycheck keeps the home running excellently? Apart from maintaining a tidy abode he/she have always been able to afford for the small luxuries in life, if not at once but over a time period.
Finance investment companies in India is of the view that you don’t have to be rich, but a good finance manager who understands that creating good money management habits help one to create wealth than it does with pulling down a big paycheck!

Here are the five basic points to start with:
• Pay with cash
• Buy only what I need
• Eat at home
• Pay all the bills on time
• Don’t spend without a budget

Track Every Penny:

You need to track every penny says finance investment companies in India. Write down every expense that occurs in a month, trace where most of your money is going. The record of expenses made by you over a month will reflect if you’re going wrong anywhere. And, if your expense chart is not helping you make some savings you definitely need to change the way of doing it.

Dining Out Regularly:

Having a dainty dinner often really lights up the mood. But, spending regularly on dining out will cost you certain amount of money every week. If you save that money it would make a good sum which you could invest and earn good rate of interest every year. However, it does not mean that you've to be a complete homebody. You can plan a get-together with your friends over a potluck lunch or dinner/ or go for dining out once in a while. By following these smart ways you will be able to create some wealth as well as lighten your mood from time to time.

Offer a Hand Up:

Spending a lot of money in the name of helping a needy relative or a friend is really a good thing to do. But, if you are doing that by going beyond your capacities then you’re bursting your budget. It’s always better to help people in financial need by guiding them towards ways of earning more income rather than giving charity from time to time.

Creating Multiple Money Streams:

As one of the intelligent money quote goes “Consume less and own more.” Finance Investment Companies in India recommends creating at least five different income streams. That way, if one income stream dries up, you’ll always have another to rely upon.

Dare to say “No” When it’s not Required:

Just as a good CEO responds to alarming situations in a company, you need to behave like a CEO sometimes. If your budget is stubbornly in the red, make a few layoffs. Review every bill; look for miscellaneous fees, overspending, recurring unwanted payments for goods and services that you don’t want.  Adopting a stringent approach will not only help you streamline your expenses in a logical order, but would also contribute greatly to wealth creation say Finance Investment Companies in India, Delhi.

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